UnpunishedSet design for the performance by Gui Miotto and Johnny Lloyd.
Opening night febr. 2 Cadance - Theater san het Spui - Den Haag
choreography/performance Guilherme Miotto, Johnny Lloyd | decor and light Peter Missotten | music Henk Bakker | concept and staging Guilherme Miotto | dramaturgy Jack Gallagher | management Jack Gallagher (Bodies Anonymous) Unpunished is a Bodies Anonymous production in coproduction with the Euregionaal dance platform, an initiative of Maastricht & Euregio candidate cultural capital of Europe 2018, Theater aan het Vrijthof Maastricht performed by Filmfabriek, Bierbeek – Belgium / Station Zuid, Tilburg / PodiumBloos, Breda / De NWE Vorst, Tilburg.

d e F I L M F A B R I E K - a long history